Sunday 31 March 2013


The day I last saw you was the saddest in my life,
The pain and heartache cuts like a knife,
Your beautiful smile I no longer see,
And it brings nannie to her knees,
Every day I pray for this pain to ease.
The holding you in my arms,
You sitting on my knee,
Nannie reading you a story,
You laughing at me.
Holding your hand,
Lifting you high,
Spinning you around,
Laughing till we cry,
You running as fast as can be saying hahaha nannie you can't catch me.
Listening over and over as everything ends with the question ?..
Hearing your sweet voice saying but why nannie why?
Looking for the birdies,
Saying woo woo come on birdies,
As you tried so hard to whistle like me,
Chasing the birds across the green, shouting come on nannie get them with me.
The splashing in the puddles,
Till we are wet up to our knees,
You lifting your arms saying nannie carry me,
Lifting you up holding you close,
The smell of your skin.
The joy, love and laughter you bought into my life,
Everything nannie is missing,
You're never out of my thoughts,
Nannie loved you from the very start,
No matter how long,
 We are apart,
I want you to know you're always in nannies heart.
Love you so much Jasmine

 intelLoc Certificate No. VNYCI300313164550


Facebook is a joke for all to see
some of the dumb things
you get to read
don't you just love taking a look a new news feeds

if you want to know who's who
when your mates taking a pooh
omg i just sneezed
if your stuck for somewhere to go
take a look at a mates profile
someones bond to be in town
floating around
on the way to the pub
maybe nipping out for some grub

lmfao people tell their all
thinking they look cool
i just cut off my finger with a power tool
lol my dog tripped over the stall

half the time
people pop online to make sure
everyone knows they just mopped the floor
someone knocked at the door
simply they cant take no more

always full of stress
and drama
omg im to fat for my pj's
someones drunk all the milk shake

when your down
never fear
all the wacky people on facebook
are here to cheer you up

 intelLoc Certificate No. VNYCI310313160102

Punch my love in to you

You're a bitch
Going to kill you
Fucking old bitch
Look you're a mess
Your no better than a gutter rat

All you're good for is a Fuck
God when you going to learn to suck

Oh no someone help me
I've got another lump
Blood, blood everywhere
But who's going to care

I hurt so
One day I?ll end up mad
Got to get out to escape
Must do it before it's to late

Why can't you leave me alone
Please shut up
You've already hurt me so much
Now I?m feeling so sad
Stop shouting at me


God what do you want me down on one knee?
Your slapping me about, your abusive mouth
Any love I had for you, you've slapped it out
Starting to hate you
Go on then hit me again
It if really makes you feel like a man
I really hate you

Your asleep it's time to go
Please kids don't make a sound
Don't want to be found

 intelLoc Certificate No. VNYCI310313082402

Got To Get Away

You make me feel like trash
As you stand there saying you married a tramp
Your making me so very sad
Here you go again
Shouting and swearing
My soul every day is shrinking
your throwing your weight around
As you look at me and knock me to the ground
As I sit here I start to shake
Oh my god big mistake
You growl at me to get on my knee's
I can see the look of glee as you knock me back down to the ground
I start to gag
I feel so sick
But that makes you tell me I'm just weak
You look at me and say it's my fault
And your too good for me
As that iron fist comes crashing down
You take a step back and look at me laying in a heap on the ground
You smile at me and say if I didn't love you I wouldn't treat you this way
Wishing you'd kill me at least I'd be out of your way
But you don't care what your doing to me
You say your showing me love every time you beat me
The more you beat me and hurt me
The bigger you seem to feel
It's like you get a buzz out of kicking the crap out of me
Got to get away before my soul hits an all-time low

 intelLoc Certificate No. VNYCI310313075556

wrote back in 1996 after being beaten for the last time

a good friend is hard to find

don't look at me like that
I didn't kick the cat
no I just didn't call you fat
why you always picking on me
god no you didn't just see me wipe my nose on my sleeve
why don't you just leave me alone
your always on at me
no I'm not angry
and for the 99th time there's nothing wrong with me
not my fault you don't understand me

*slams the door stomps up the stairs*

Rather old bean have you got time for tea
Every day this week
Oh great bring one of your cakes for me to see
don't forget one for me to eat
By the end of the week I'll be big and fat
Don't worry let's have a laugh you and me
I hear it's good for burning of calories

Please old bean speak up
it's rather hard to hear with only one ear
don't laugh so hard or you'll have a tear
Running down your leg my dear
but not to worry I've got some tenner lady here

written after a wacky convo with a dear friend....... Mrs Moore

 intelLoc Certificate No. VNYCI310313070845

Saturday 30 March 2013

one sweet day

The loneliness inside
Every day I wake and look for somewhere to hide
From this loneliness inside
I've cried and I've cried
But still from this loneliness I cannot hide
A empty place deep inside
Nothings easy the ache I cannot shake
For each time I wake the first thing I do is start missing you
I love you as much as I did then
Thoughts of you are never far away
Maybe sometime, maybe someday
This pain will ease
It will go away
But not till I hold you in my arms again
One sweet day

CoIP™ Verification: VNYCI300313123501

It fills me wit fear....
It made me lose so many tears....
The awful memory will stay with me for years....
It's cruel
It's mean
It starts growing unseen
It's always so keen
To snatch away a life
It twists and turns like a knife
U see it doesn't care if your a husband or wife.....
It doesn't care if you've only just started your life......
It likes to see you down on your knee's
It loves to make you weak
It adores creating pain till you can't think
It takes your loved ones and breaks you
Is evil
It goes out of its way to kill
You cant win forever
Because along with Cancer Research People like me intend to beat you!
Be warned
We're willing to go to war...
So let's stand ALL Together Hand In Hand
And Shout
Cancer be on your way

CoIP™ Verification:  VNYCI300313173117