Monday 15 April 2013


Darling you?re looking beautiful today....
Your hair suits you that way....

"Who the hell are you planning to meet"
Put that f*cking coat away
you're not stepping out the door 
you've got another man
or you won't be dressed that way....

I look at you shock upon my face
As I say
This is what you got me for my birthday
I told you last week
I'm going out with your mu....
I don't finish what I was about to say
I didn't see that fist coming my way

I swear women I'll knock you out
I don't remember you telling me anything last week
You better ring my mum
See what time she's going to come
Put it on loud speaker
I want to hear
You'll be f*cking sorry if she doesn't know what you?re taking about.......
Oh so she's on your f*cking side.....
I should have known she'd lie
Clearly you and my mum are conspiring against me....

You pick me up by the roots of my hair
Look at me in the eye
and calmly say if you ever dare
Cheat on me it'll be the last thing you do
You smile at me draw back
You fist
I'm on the floor winded
You look at me in a heap
And stick the boot into my back
You reach for the scissors
I start to shake and quiver
Snip snip snip
Stupid slag you won't be wearing that again
Use them for rags
Now get the f*ck up them stairs and make yourself decent

Just to let you know if you're thinking if leaving then don't
I'll hunt you down
I'll piss down your throat
Bury you alive underground
Believe no matter where you hide
I'll find you

You pull me up so gently and calmly
Wrap your arms around me
Kiss the top of my head
Tell me you love me
You live for me
If I just learnt
You wouldn't have to hurt me
Hurry you say as you look at me
My mum will be here soon and you don't want to be late that would ruin both your days....

intelLoc Certificate No. VNYCI150413104736

Thursday 11 April 2013


Why oh why do we have feelings, feelings?
They are these for the stealing,
They can make you as tall as a ceiling,
You feel for someone
They think they can own you,
No place to run
No place to hide
That's why I am too shy,
They can put you in the sky.
Why oh why,
Do we have feelings?
Why do people steal our feelings?
Then throw them away like orange peelings....

 intelLoc Certificate No. VNYCI300313164308

Is it right?....

That a Nan should have to fight for the right
to be in their Grandchildrens life
How can it be
when someone's son
Leaves a girl
They make everyone's life a living hell

Now your sons no longer under my spell
Your gonna have to pay the price as well
I'll let you see your grandchild for a while
Then for years I will deny you
You either make him do what I want
Or i'll tell the world your a c**t
That can't make her Son do as he's told

You know your gonna grow old
Without your Grandchild to hold
Can't you see by taking it out on the Nan
Your hurting your child too
You think your doing right but you haven't a clue
A child needs its Nannie
As a Nannie needs a Grandchild to do things
Only a Nannie and Grandchild do
Can't you understand the pain and hurting
Your denying brings

We are not the ones that hurt you
Our Son's did that
Doesn't give you the right to use that bat
And swing it so low
When you say them awful words
You'll never see your Grandchild grow

This is a promise from every hurting heart
Of absentee Grandmothers everywhere
Little darling Grandchild
Your always in our hearts and heads
Not a day goes by we don't think of you
Little one no matter what anyone may tell you
Nannie wants you to know she loves you......

 intelLoc Certificate No. VNYCI110413140511

Baby makes three

Some time back
When I first met you
You told me a white lie
And I believed you

As time went by I got to know you
One day you shared
That your praying your dream would come true
You told me all the years
Heartache and tears
All the tests
Lots of stress
You and your partner had been though

With fingers crossed
you both went though IVF
Such a tense and worrying time
The days did pass
As you both held your breath
Would you get the baby you so longed for
But sadly IVF failed for you

I looked at you
And simply said it will happen to you
By the time your 33
A daddy you will be
You looked at me and laughed like I was daft

And this where your white lie caught up with you
By chance I did glance your drivers licence
And what did it show but your age to me
But still some how I knew
You'd be a dad at the age I'd told you

Time went by
I got a call from you
I held my breath as I listened you said
We are having a baby
It's true
You was so excited
I cried a tear or two
I sent a thanks up to the sky above
For the baby that was sent to bless you

Your kindness shows
This baby is more that a gift to you both
As well all know
She's your everything
Your love for her really shows

By the time anyone sees this
She'll be nearly ready to meet her mummy and daddy
Take her first little breath
As you hold yours in wonder at your little bundle full of love

Congrats to the both of you x

written about two dear friends of mine.....
Keri and Greg

 intelLoc Certificate No. VNYCI110413135603

The wiring in my head

The wiring in my head
Is a little bit of a mess
I'm not sly
Just very shy
I find it hard to interact with people I don't know
So if you speak to me
And I'm a little slow to answer
If by chance I just stare
Don't give a care
I'm just trying to work you out
Doesn't make me rude
I just get a little confused
I don't find it as easy as you
Getting to know people and trusting is so hard to do
When you walk in my shoes

The wiring in my head
Is a little bit of a mess
It takes a lot of time and patience
To get to know me
As I've already said
It not easy walking in my shoes
Those who take the time to know me
Will tell you I'm a joy
I'm loyal to those I like
And a great friend I do make
If you take the time this is what you'll find
I will admit I like a lot of time
Away from everyone
But when we get together we'll still have lots of fun

The wiring in my head
Is a little bit of a mess
That doesn't make me slow
There are just some things
I find really hard to do
Some things come so easy to me
Others take a little time to sink in
But once in there it's never forgotten
I'll argue black and blue
If I know some things a fact
And by chance you get it wrong

The wiring in my head
Is a little bit of a mess
It doesn't mean you have to shout at me
I can hear just fine
Or speak like I'm dumb
"Go ask your mum, it's rude"?
I may need you to repeat what you've said
Don't roll your eyes
I can see you..... mine work just fine
Just calmly say it again
Don't poke fun at me
I may not realise at the time
But it will slowly process though my mind
And really hurt me

The wiring in my head
Is a little bit of a mess
I hate it when people shout
I just want to get out
Away from everyone
Another thing that gets me mad
Is when people demand
I'm no different from you
If you ask
I'm more likely to do it for you
But please make it clear
What is you want me to do
If you don't I'll get confused
And very frustrated with you
Once this happens
You'll soon discover
I'm very head strong
And will ignore you if I want to
Don't get me wrong
I hate it when I'm bad
It makes me feel sad

The wiring in my head
Is a little bit of a mess
It doesn't make me worth any less
I still deserve your respect
There are certain things I have to do
To make each day seem right
If you get in my way or stop me you turn my day in to night
Nothing will seem bright
My day will be all wrong
That gives me a fright
That may seem strange to you
But that's the way I am

The wiring in my head
Is a bit of a mess
My brain does work in the same way
But if truth be told
I'm not that different from any other boy or girl
I do like my hand held
But please don't touch me unless I come to you
Please don't think I don't like you
Just some times the world feels like its closing in
If by chance you see me with head phones in
Its because the world has got to loud
I'm blocking it out
Because it hurts my head

The wiring in my head
Is a little bit of a mess
I love my family
They're always there
My family understand me
If more people were understanding
This world wouldn't be such hell to live in
And me having autism wouldn't stop me feeling like I don't fit in
So next time you see someone that reminds you of me
Don't be so quick
To judge and think
That they are strange
And not worth your time
Stop and say "hello" to them
Even if they don't speak
Sometimes it may take a few weeks
One day they might just give you a surprise
And say "hello" back to you
All you have to do is prove your worth their time

The wiring in my head
Is a little bit of a mess
Now I've shown you a little bit
Of what goes on in my head
Please remember what I said
Being autistic
Is hard for me
And when you poke fun it really hurts me
Try walking in my shoes
If you think
Autism's a joke

Written by Tracey Dixon
With the help of her autistic son
Benjamin Dixon

 intelLoc Certificate No. VNYCI110413135216

Monday 8 April 2013

youth of today

Youth of today
Headphones plugged in
Music so loud
Everyone around can hear
Head bopping up and down
Bass cranked up
Like you can't get enough
of it blasting in your ears
But have no fear
You'll miss your ears
When your old and can't hear

Trousers down by your knees
It's really ugly
So please pull them up
Nothing worse than someone walking round with their trousers down
Stop making the older generation frown
Don't you know you look like a clown
When you walk around with your trousers down

Head down
Hood up
What's that all about
Scarf pulled high
Right up to your eyes
What's up?.... does your breath smell?
Did you fall flat on your face
And now its a disgrace

What's that you carry in your hand?
A knife
A shank
Well ain't that grand
Your planning to take someone's life
Or looking to lose your own
Quick quick get on the phone fuck doing it alone
Call in all your gang
Ain't you the man

Any plans for your future just gone down the pan
Now your the man
Karma is sure to catch up with you
It's fun to be young
But you don't have a clue
How quick you can lose it all when you act like a fool

Years locked in prison
Tears will be shed too
With all that time
You'll be able to work out
Carrying a knife
And taking a life
Was a foolish thing to do
But by then young friend it'll be to late for you

intelLoc Certificate No. VNYCI080413173052

different you different me

Different people
With different point of views
Doesn't make some of us stupid
Or others more intellectual
Everyone's gifted in a different way
Different is good
But mostly misunderstood

Could you imagine if we was all the same
All our brains working in the same way
All thinking the same things
What a boring world that would be

No houses
No cars
No technology
Hunting the only way to eat
Walking round with no shoes on your feet
No radiators to give you heat

Even back in the day
Of living in the caves
Some brave soul
Took some sticks and flints
To create fire
Then along came a man
Who was different again
He invented the wheel
Then one day someone
Had a thought and out come art
To decorate the caves they lived in

Different people
With different points of view
Different ideas
Different you
Different me
Different is the thing to be
What's right for you
May not be right for me

Doesn't make it wrong for everyone
It's just not for me
Celebrate being different
Thinking different
And wanting different things
Without different
There would be no technology
Only caves to live in.

 intelLoc Certificate No. VNYCI080413173639